A performance art in which the performer showcases their extreme level of body flexibility. For Danbooru purposes any image tagged with contortion contains a character bending their body into a seemingly impossible, however achievable through intense stretching position. Characters performing contortion should be drawn with correct anatomical proportions, otherwise it'll be a case of bad proportions.
List of contortion positions categorized:
Backbending refers to the act of bending the body in the spine area backwards. This requires high back flexibility in the performer and, out of all contortion categories, is regarded to be the hardest.
Frontbending refers to the act of bending the body forwards, mostly in the pelvic area. This usually requires a high level of hamstring and hip flexibility.
Doing the splits (or sometimes splitting) refers to the act of opening the legs in separate directions. This requires a high level of quadriceps, hamstring, hip, gluteus (generally speaking, leg) flexibility.
Other contortion positions not really fitting into any category.
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