
new required tags?

Posted under Tags

Penance said:

You can edit wikis, you know. Though in practice people omitting those tags are almost definitely not reading the wiki, so I don't view it as particularly useful.

I didn't want to edit a locked wiki without feedback first. I won't add it if you don't think it's useful.

fish said:

I didn't want to edit a locked wiki without feedback first. I won't add it if you don't think it's useful.

It may be useful for people for people that bother reading it. I'd say it's your call if you want to add them or not.

fish said:

Shota and rape are already added on danbooru's howto:tag, but bara isn't. I think bara is more extreme than male focus but what you think?

I also saw bestiality and necrophilia being suggested in topic #41.

Bara on AIBooru is far different than Danbooru; It's far more niche and AIBooru originally didn't even allow bara until sometime earlier this year. While it's more "extreme" than male focus, I don't think it would be necessary to add. Bara only comprises 145 uploads of the site (with 44 deleted) so I doubt the average user will come across it unless they are actively seeking it out.

Bestiality and necrophilia would probably fine additions, but as I said, I will leave that to you to decide.

If we are setting a count threshold for tags that are necessary to tag then bestiality and necrophilia wouldn't make the cut either. That doesn't seem right to me.
On aibooru, bestiality has 162 posts and necrophilia 0 posts. On danbooru, bestiality has >8000 posts and necrophilia 200 posts. And like you said bara is much more popular on danbooru with >71000 posts.

For now, I will only add shota and rape to the list.
But this all isn't that big of an issue because uploaders will probably add the more extreme tags anyways.

Also, I noticed that the wiki doesn't say anything about models so I added a little on that.


The list is nothing more than a suggestion. If you are uploading shit like necrophilia or bestiality untagged you will get in trouble for it either way. Bestiality, shota, and rape are all tags hidden by default to users (the other being loli), and guro (and scat) are default blacklist.