Considering the quite lengthy argument in the Discord over this, I believe it is worthwhile to bring this to the forum to reach a final general consensus on what the tag should or should not govern. I'll present the basic argument and leave it up to the rest of the users here to decide their judgement on this argument. Please do not argue with other users here about their views, I simply want to ensure that this tag is no longer ambiguous.
The basic argument is that partial metadata should not govern posts containing only the positive prompt if the model used is a proprietary model where the end user cannot specify different values, and therefor the metadata is "complete" as far as metadata partiality goes. For moderation this makes sense, since the idea of partial metadata is simply for well, metadata that is partial. SD and NAI give lots of parameters to the end user and it is important for these parameters to be documented in order for the metadata to be complete. DALL-E, Midjourney, Nijijourney and others do not offer these parameters of control to the end user besides the positive prompt and a few other features. For me to truly view partial metadata, I would have to filter out these posts, when there's really nothing at all that can be done for these posts.
I would like to ask for people's thoughts on the tag however, as I do not want this to be a lingering issue on how or how not the tag ought to be used, else it would make more sense for the tag to be nuked outright because it is ambiguous. So I would like to see if a general consensus could be made on how the tag ought to be used concerning these specific posts that are made with proprietary models.