sidonia no kishi
Sidonia No Kishi, also known as Knights of Sidonia, is a science fiction manga created by Nihei Tsutomu (of Blame! fame) about an interstellar war between humanity and the alien Gauna, and mecha pilot Tanikaze Nagate, caught in the middle of the conflict.
The manga series began in 2009 and ended in September 2015. In May 2013 an anime adaptation was announced. Its first season lasted 12 episodes and was broadcasted from April 11, 2014 until June 27, 2014 in Japan. A second season was broadcast on the same dates in 2015.
The localized anime series is currently available for streaming exclusively on Netflix in all its territories.
External links
- Captain Kobayashi
- Hiyama Lala
- Honoka En
- Honoka Ren
- Hoshijiro Shizuka
- Ichigaya Teruru
- Kunato Norio
- Midorikawa Yuhata
- Ochiai
- Samari Ittan
- Sasaki
- Seii Ichiroo
- Shinatose Izana
- Shinatose Yure
- Shiraui Tsumugi
- Tahiro Numi
- Tanikaze Nagate
- Yamano Eiko