help:list of models
Table of Contents
This is a (somewhat and infrequently updated) comprehensive list of all model tags [with at least one post] on AIBooru. All models are categorized by letter, listed in alphabetical order, and available links will be next to the given model (if they exist, with dead/bad links struck.) Model tags with zero posts will not be listed.
If any new links become available, please add them to the list! There are many models that don't have any.
- 0001
- 0002
- 0003 -> Civitai, Civitai
- 2.5dset
- 218_(model) -> Civitai, Civitai
- 218xl -> HF page, Civit link
- 23-4-3-gbh-fish-half -> Civitai
- 2d_fish
- 2dn-pony
- 2dtl -> Huggingface
- 3dcartoon
- 3x3mixxl
- 3x3x3mixxl
- 4th_tail -> 4th Tail Civitai Page, v0.1beta, v0.2, v0.3, v0.4.0, v0.4.5
- 5moon_pony_cg_(model)
- 7pag -> Civitai, Civitai
- 7th_anime -> Main Repo, v3.0, v2.0, v1.1
- 7th_anime_xl-pony -> 7th anime XL-Pony A, 7th anime XL-Pony M, 7th anime XL-Pony A, 7th anime XL-Pony M
- 7th_heaven_mix -> Civitai
- 8528_diffusion ->
Huggingface(Dead link) - 9thcream
- a-zovya_photoreal
- a1_-_anime_sauce_model_mix -> Civitai
- a7b3_(model) -> Civitai
- a80sb_(model) -> Civitai
- a_(model)
- a_lunar_dream ->
Huggingface(Dead link) - aaa_(model) -> Civitai
- aaaautism
- aam_kizukihassaku
- aam_xl_anime_mix
- ab
- abhorrence
- abissobarista -> Huggingface
- absolute_reality
- abyss_orange_mix -> Main Repo, v3.0, v2.0, v1.0, v3.0, v2.0_hard
- abyssfutafluffykemono
- abysshellmaple -> Civitai
- ac
- accretiondiscxl
- acertainbigpotmix
- acertainthing -> Huggingface
- adobe_firefly
- afgbw1 -> Civitai
- agelesnate(model)
- ahnn-one -> Civitai, Huggingface
- aicekawaice -> Civitai
- aichanmix
- aingdiffusion -> Civitai
- aingexp
- aiomonstergirls
- aiponyanime
- airl -> Civitai
- akasha
- akkaimix -> Civitai
- akkaimixv2 -> AkkaiMix, Akkairosu, Civitai
- albedobase_xl -> Civitai
- alchemist-mix -> Civitai
- alice_mix_flossie ->
Huggingface(Dead link) - alice_mix_grace
- alice_mix_louise -> Civitai
- alicemix
- almond_mix -> Huggingface
- alunardream
- amalgam_mix
- amber_light -> Civitai, a1
- ambercolormix
- ambience -> a1
- ambientgrapemix -> Civitai
- ambientmix -> Civitai
- ambrosiafusion
- ameagari_(model) -> Huggingface
- amedira -> Huggingface
- ametrine_blend -> Civitai
- ametrine_furry -> Civitai
- ametrine_redux
- ametrinepixtoon
- amixx -> Civitai
- amore -> Civitai
- ampp_(model)
- analog_madness
- andromeda-mix -> Civitai
- ane -> Huggingface
- angelbreed -> Civitai
- anidoll -> Civitai
- anidosmix -> Civitai
- aniease -> Civitai
- anima_pencil-xl -> Pencil, blue_pen5805, Civitai
- animaginexl -> Animagine XL Civitai Page, Animagine XL 3.1 Repository, Animagine XL 3.0 Repository, Animagine XL 3.0-base Repository, Animagine XL 2.0 Repository, Animagine XL Repository, Animagine XL 3.1, Animagine XL 3.0, Animagine XL 3.0-base
- animapensilxl(model)
- anime3dmix -> Civitai
- anime_art_diffusion_xl
- anime_celestial_magic -> Civitai
- anime_changeful
- anime_confetti_comrade_mix -> Civitai
- anime_creative -> Civitai, v1
- anime_diffusion
- anime_illust_diffusion_xl -> Civitai, AIDXL 8.0, AIDXL 7.0, AIDXL 7.1, AIDXL 6.0, AIDXL 6.0 Alpha, AIDXL 6.0 Beta, AIDXL 6.1, AIDXL 5.0, AIDXL 5.0 Alpha, AIDXL 5.1, AIDXL 4.0, AIDXL 4.1, AIDXL 3.0, AIDXL 2.0, AIDXL 1.0
- anime_pastel_dream -> Civitai
- anime_screencap_style -> Civitai
- animeai_(model)
- animebondxl -> Civitai
- animeconfetticomrade_v3
- animeconfettitunexl
- animelike2.5d -> Civitai
- animelike2d -> Civitai
- animerge -> Civitai
- animesh
- animeshader
- animeth
- animics -> Civitai
- animixv9xl -> Civitai
- anireality -> Civitai
- aniverse -> Civitai
- aniwave -> Civitai, v2, v1
- anticider
- antispoon -> Civitai
- antiulti
- antlers_photoreal ->
Civitai(Dead link) - antlers_realistic -> Mega
- antlersmix -> v10 [de2f2560], photoreal_2 [bb993f641d], [5368633f74]
- antlersmix_11
- antlersmix_2 -> Huggingface
- any-f-toon-3d-less -> MEGA
- any222trinart
- anycounter -> Civitai
- anydream -> Anything-v3,
SimpMaker-3k1(Dead link), Illustro_V3, here,here(Dead link), prompt matrix - anyfetus -> Source
- anyhentai_(model) -> Civitai
- anyjuice_(model)
- anylora -> Civitai
- anylora_anime_mix -> Civitai
- anylora_cleanlinearmix -> Civitai
- anyminipasky -> Civitai
- anyorangemix -> Civitai
- anypastel -> HuggingFace link
- anysmirk_hentai_scene_mix ->
Rentry(Dead link) - anything_(model) ->
Bilibili(Dead link), SD Goldmine Rentry, per a user's statement, CivitAI, Hugging Face, v5.0, v3.2++, v3.0, v3.0, v2.1, v1.0 - anything_xl -> Yuno779
- anythingandeverything
- anythingelse ->
Hugging Face(Dead link), Hugging Face, Civitai - anythingfurry -> Civitai
- anythingqingmix
- anytwam_(model) -> Civitai
- aoaoko_pvc_style_(model)
- archangelbreed -> Civitai
- archonf222 -> Huggingface
- ariamix -> Huggingface
- art_universe
- artiwaifu_diffusion -> Civitai
- artstation-diffusion -> Huggingface (Diffusers)
- asian_realistic
- astra_(model) -> Huggingface
- astralmix -> Civitai
- astranime
- astrea_pixie_(model)
- astreapixiexl
- astyleadjustofamxl -> Civitai
- async's_mix
- async's_mix_pony
- atomixponyxlturbo
- aua_(model) -> Civitai
- aurora_(model) -> User Repo, Huggingface, User Profile, Civitai, KHFB and AuroraNegatives
- austerus_galaxias
- autismmix -> Civitai, pony, confetti, DPO
- average_blend -> Civitai
- awpainting
- bacla-mix -> Huggingface
- balor_(model)
- bartstyledb
- based_mix -> Huggingface
- basil_mix -> HuggingFace link
- baxl
- bb95_furry_mix -> Civitai
- bbmix-animemix
- bbw30k_(model)
- beautiful_realistic_asians_(model)
- beauty_2.5d
- beautyrealmix -> Civitai
- beenyou_lite
- bemypony -> Civitai
- berrymix -> Original recipe,
alternate(Dead link),blueberry(Dead link),blackberry(Dead link),raspberry(Dead link),strawberry(Dead link),berrymix v3(Dead link) - bettermix_anime -> Civitai
- bigblue2.5dmix
- bigger_girls_(model)
- bing
- black_magic_xl -> Civitai
- blasterex
- blazing_drive -> Civitai
- blood_orange_mix -> Huggingface
- blossomlight
- blue_pencil -> Civitai
- blueberrymix -> Civitai
- bluefoxmix
- bluemix_tmnd -> Civitai
- bluevoll's_3pxdiffusion
- boldvmix
- boleromix(pony) -> Civitai
- bondage_(model)
- boneless_pizza -> CivitAI link
- boogiemix -> Civitai
- boring_cake
- boring_life
- bpmodel -> Sankaku Complex, Huggingface, Dataset, bp_1024_e10, bp_mk3, bp_mk5, bp_nman_e29
- break_domain -> Civitai
- break_domain_anime_v1
- break_domain_xl
- breakdomain_anime_vae
- breakdro -> Civitai
- brickandmortarmix -> Civitai
- brightmix -> Civitai
- brightsky
- brussels_sprout -> Huggingface
- burgermix
- c-moon_(model)
- cabbalio -> Civitai
- cafe_unofficial_instagram_test -> /hdg/ SD Models Link
- calicomix -> Civitai
- camelliaface_(model)
- camelliamix -> Civitai, Motomurabito style LoRA, cogecha็ฆ่ถ style LoRA, SamDoesArts style LoRA, Yoneyama Mai style LoRA, Fashion Girl LoRA, Eye - LoRA
- canabikuralla
- canistermix-4 -> Civitai
- canistermix-5 -> Huggingface
- cardology_mix
- cardos_animated
- cardos_anime -> Civitai
- cartoon_arcadia_sdxl
- cartoon_fusion
- cartunafied -> Civitai
- cashmoney -> Civitai
- cat_tower_(model)
- catrush
- cattleya_mix -> Civitai
- cbkcameisch -> Civitai
- ceiimix -> Civitai
- cetus-mix -> Civitai
- cetus_abyss_mix
- cg_realistic_pony -> Civitai
- chacolebaramixxl
- chadmix
- cherry_line_mix -> Civitai
- chibi_style_1.1
- chikmix -> Civitai
- children's_stories
- chilloutmix -> Civitai
- chimera2
- chose_starry_sky
- chosen-mix -> Civitai
- chosen_starry_sky
- chromaft
- chromasparkle -> Huggingface
- chromaxl-mix -> Civitai, Huggingface
- chromeshinexl
- chronolight -> Web
- chrysanthemum_(model) -> Civitai
- cinenaut_xl
- cinero_pony ->
Civitai(Dead link) - cinnamon_mix -> Huggingface
- citrine_dream_mix -> User Repo, Civitai
- cityedgedollymix_(model)
- cityedgestylemix -> Civitai
- cityedgetoonmix -> Civitai
- cityscape_(model) -> Civitai
- clampdxl -> Civitai
- clandestine-xl-1.0
- classic-anime_(model) -> Civitai
- cleaned_(model)
- clzk3 -> Civitai
- coco-anime_pony -> Civitai
- coffeebreak
- coffeemix -> User Repo, Civitai, EasyNegative
- coffeensfw_(model)
- coharumix
- coharumix_2d
- color_bomb_mix
- colorbox
- colorful_(model) -> Civitai
- colorful_animecute -> Civitai
- colossus_project_xl -> Civitai
- coma_(model)
- comradeship_xl -> Civitai
- confetti_comrade_mix
- connectmix -> Huggingface
- convergence_(model) -> Civitai
- copeseethemaldberry -> Rentry
- copycat-bg -> Civitai
- copycat_(model)
- coquett -> Civitai
- corbe_waifu_mix -> Civitai
- corneosshinra26mix -> Civitai
- cornflower_(model) -> Civitai
- counteranymini-mix -> Civitai
- counterfeit_(model) -> User Repo, v3.0, v2.5, v2.0, v1.0, v3.0, v2.5, v2.0, EasyNegative
- counterfeitxl
- countermellia -> Civitai
- craiyon
- cranberry_xl -> Civitai
- creammix -> Civitai
- creamypesto -> Rentry
- creationmix
- criminalarthentai
- crystal_clear_slimensf
- ctd-darkmix
- curiosity_mix
- custom
- cutebunny
- cutecandymix
- cutecolor -> Civitai
- cutecorexl -> Civitai, Huggingface
- cutepony
- cutesexyrobutts_(model) -> Link to SDModels Rentry cutesexyrobutts location
- cutesweetanime -> Civitai
- cuteyukimix_(model) -> Civitai
- cutifiedanimecharact_v50
- cyberrealistic
- daintymix
- dalcefo_anime_pastelmix
- dalcefo_byul
- dalcefo_oilpaint
- dalcefo_painting -> Civitai
- dalcefo_v5
- dall-e -> (Copilot/Designer)
- damn_ponyxl_realistic -> Civitai
- darelites_fantasy_lta -> Civitai
- dark_beauty_(model)
- dark_incursio_pdxl -> Civitai
- dark_sushi_mix -> Civitai
- darksun -> Civitai
- darksushiliner2.25d -> Civitai
- datemix -> Huggingface
- dawgsmix -> Huggingface, Civitai
- daydream_(pixai)
- ddosmix
- deep_space_diffusion -> Civitai, Huggingface
- deepbluexl -> Civitai
- defacounter_mix
- defacta -> Civitai, Civitai, Civitai, Civitai
- defmix ->
Huggingface(Dead link),Huggingface(Dead link) - deliberate -> Huggingface
- delta_(model)
- detailedproject -> Huggingface, Huggingface
- diamond_(pixai)
- discomix
- disillusionmix -> Civitai
- disney_tenniji -> Civitai
- disneypixarcartoon -> Civitai
- divineanimemix -> DivineAnimeMix
- divineelegancemix -> DivineEleganceMix
- dollymix -> Civitai
- donkomix -> Civitai
- donutholemix
- dreamdraw
- dreamirror-mix
- dreamlike_diffusion -> Huggingface, Civitai
- dreamshaper -> Huggingface, Civitai
- dreamshaper_pixelart -> Civitai
- dreamshaper_xl -> Civitai
- dreamweaver-pony -> Civitai
- dreamweaver_(model)
- dual_personality
- duchaiten-godofsimp -> Civitai
- duchaiten-mindbreak -> Civitai
- duchaiten-pony-real -> Pony, Civitai Page
- duchaiten-pony-xl -> Civitai
- duchaiten-stylelikeme
- duelanimemix -> Civitai
- dusktidemix
- easyfluff -> Github, rentry, HuggingFace Page, Civitai Page
- ebara_pony ->
Huggingface(Dead link) - ebaramfcg -> Civitai
- ecstacypony -> Civitai
- edg_on_pony
- eerie_orange_mix
- eimis_anime_diffusion -> Huggingface
- elegance -> Civitai
- elldreths_lucid_mix ->
Civitai(Dead link) - elysium_anime -> Huggingface, Huggingface
- ems
- endless_maestro_mix
- endless_mix
- endlessreality -> Civitai
- envymix -> _Envy_, Civitai
- envypoodamix
- ephemeral_elise -> Civitai
- epicphotogasm -> Civitai
- epicrealism
- epochal_canvas_xl
- epona_mix -> Civitai
- eponym
- eternalwinter
- ether_blue_mix -> Ether, gamerdan69 , Civitai
- ether_moonlight_mix
- ether_one_mix
- ether_pdxl
- ether_real_mix -> Civitai
- ethernaldope -> Civitai
- euclase_blend
- everydayart_(eda) -> Civitai
- everything_(model)
- evt_(model) -> Huggingface, Huggingface
- experimental12b
- experymental
- expmix -> Civitai
- expmixline_(model) -> Civitai
- exquisitedetails -> Civitai, v1.0, art
- exsoular -> Huggingface
- extra_thin_rice -> Civitai
- face_bomb_mix -> Huggingface, Civitai
- faetasticsdxl
- falkons -> Civitai
- fantasm
- fantasticanimechix-hr
- fantexi -> Civitai
- favorite2deepmix
- fcanime -> Civitai
- fcanimemix
- feathermix -> Civitai
- featureless_mix
- fia_(model)
- fiamix -> Civitai, Civitai, Civitai, Civitai, Civitai, Civitai, Civitai
- fibell -> Civitai
- fidelity_(model) -> Huggingface
- finalfantasy_(model) -> Huggingface
- fl_mnmr_mix -> Civitai
- flat2danimerge
- flat_lunar_sushi -> Civitai
- flatcoloredpony
- flatcoloredponytest3
- float's_mix
- flowermixcherryxl -> Civitai
- fluffusion
- fluffy_(model) -> Civitai
- fluffyrock -> Civitai Page, Huggingface Page
- flux
- fluxteus -> Civitai
- forgotten_mix -> Civitai
- forrealxl
- foxyansfw -> Civitai
- frenchabyss_orange_mix
- friendsmix
- fruity-mix -> Huggingface
- funifunishitai -> Civitai
- furb
- furnace_34
- furnace_47
- furry_vixens -> Civitai
- furryart
- furryblend -> Civitai
- furrygonuts_xl -> Civitai
- furryrock
- furrytoonmix -> Civitai
- furtasticxl -> Civitai
- futanarifactor -> Civitai
- fuwafuwamix -> oritatami_neko,
Civitai(Dead link)
- galena_blend -> Civitai
- galena_redux
- gape_(model) -> Rentry
- gaussian_kongobutsu -> Civitai
- geminix_mix
- gemtone
- generic_pony
- ghostmix -> Civitai
- ghostxl
- girlish-bloom -> Civitai
- gishiki -> HuggingFace, Civitai, Gishikifp16, Gishikiv1.1, KuroGishikiv1.1, munimunimunimuni
- glitter_rabbit_stars_darker_version -> Civitai
- god_(model) -> Civitai
- goddess_of_realism -> Pony, Civitai Page
- goodfit-pony -> Civitai
- goofball_mix -> Civitai
- google_gemini -> Gemini
- gostly_cute -> Civitai
- gottamix -> Civitai
- grahamaingpikas -> Civitai, Pixai
- grapefruit_(model) -> User Repo, Civitai
- grapefruitjuice_(model) -> Rentry
- grok
- guofeng3 -> HuggingFace link, CivitAI link
- guoha_diffusion -> Civitai
- gyozanmix -> HuggingFace, Civitai, V3.0 on Pixai, V3.2 on Pixai, V5 on Pixai, WinterHoliday2023Edition on Pixai, V1.0, V1.0dark, FlatGyozaAfterDarkV1.0, FlatterGyozaV2.0, V1.2, V1.2dark, V2, V3, V3.2, V3.5D, V5, WinterHoliday2023Edition
- hadriendelicexl
- haiku_(model) -> Huggingface
- halcyon
- hanamomopony -> Civitai
- hardcore_hentai_(model) -> Civitai
- hassaku -> User Repo, Civitai
- hassaku_xl -> Civitai, Civitai
- hassansblend -> Rentry, Huggingface, Huggingface
- healys_anime_blend -> Civitai, Huggingface
- heart_of_apple_xl_(model)
- heavenorangemix -> Civitai
- hell5 -> Huggingface
- hello25dvintageanime -> Civitai
- helloflatcute2d
- helloimpasto
- henmix_2.5d -> Civitai
- henmix_real -> Civitai
- hentai_cinematic_pony -> Civitai
- hentai_diffusion -> Github
- hentai_mix -> Civitai
- herbmix-v1 -> Civitai
- hikari
- hikmix
- hillmix -> Civitai, Huggingface
- himawarimix -> Huggingface
- hinamix
- hiten_(model)
- hitokomoru_diffusion -> Huggingface
- hkxl_(model)
- hll_(model) -> vtai rentry, HuggingFace mirror, hll-LoRA HuggingFace
- hojichamix -> Civitai
- holara ->
Holara(Dead link) - holo_counter
- holo_love
- holo_toon
- holo_waifu
- holocreamsafe -> Rentry
- holodayo_xl -> Huggingface
- holokenshifat -> Rentry
- holokotoabyss_(model) -> Rentry
- holokuki -> HuggingFace, Civitai, Kukicha, HoloKukicha, HoloKukiv2, Kukiv2.2, HoloKukiv2.2
- holonuts -> Rentry
- holygenex -> Civitai
- homoveritas
- honey_2d -> Civitai
- horny_fox -> Civitai
- hoshino_(pixai)
- hotarubreed -> Civitai
- hotdog_pony_mix_xl -> Civitai
- hyper_bomb_mix
- hyperfusion -> Civitai
- iceborn
- identity_v_(model)
- identitycrisis -> Civitai
- ideogram_ai
- illunext
- illusionbreed
- illustrious-xl -> Civitai
- imagefx
- imp_(model)
- impastomix -> HuggingFace, Civitai, Pixai, v1.0, v2.0
- inanis_(model)
- incomplete_anime_pony
- incursio's_meme_diffusion -> User Repo, Civitai
- indigo_furrymix
- inkpunk-diffusion-v2 -> Huggingface
- ioliponymix -> Huggingface
- irislux
- irismix -> Civitai
- iselestiadiffusion -> Dropbox
- isopropanoladdiction -> Seaart
- itercomp
- ivory_(model)
- izariamergemix -> Civitai
- izumi -> Civitai
- jam_(just_another_merge)
- janaim
- jitq
- jru -> Civitai
- js2prony
- jsconfetti -> Civitai
- jucyani666mix
- juggernaut_xl -> Civitai
- juicyfajitamix
- jupiter2dnpony -> Civitai
- jupiter_(model)
- k13_(model) -> Civitai
- kakigori_(model) -> Civitai
- kani_anime -> Huggingface
- kartoon -> Civitai
- kawai_diffusion -> Civitai
- kawaii_2.5d
- kawaii_2d_(model)
- kawaii_realistic_anime_mix
- kawaiianimetic
- kawalighting
- kaywaii -> Civitai
- kenshi -> HuggingFace link, CivitAI link
- kenything_(model) -> neuror1ston, Kenything
- kheyoumix
- kimix. -> Civitai
- king_crimson -> E_EE, King Crimson, DiscoMix_v2, Dark arts style
- kinomotosakura200
- kitsune_ai
- kitsunemix -> Civitai
- kivotos_xl -> Huggingface, Civitai
- kiwimix -> Civitai, Civitai, Civitai
- kizuki_(model) -> Civitai
- kling_ai
- knk_softshading -> Civitai
- kohakuxl -> kblueleaf, Kohaku-XL Alpha, Kohaku-XL Beta, Kohaku-XL Gamma, Kohaku-XL Delta, Kohaku-XL Epsilon
- koji -> User Repo, Civitai
- konanmix -> Civitai
- konbinimix -> Civitai
- konosuba_diffusion
- kotosabyssproto -> Huggingface
- kotosmix -> Civitai
- kribomix -> Civitai
- kuronekoanimemix -> Civitai
- latte -> Civitai
- lawlass_yiffymix
- lembo_2d -> Civitai
- lemonpastelmix
- lemonpiemix -> Civitai
- lemontea_(model)
- leonardo_vision_xl
- leonardoai
- leonasmix
- leosam_aiart_sdxl
- level4
- lhc
- liberty -> CivitAI link
- libmix
- librasillustriousxl -> Civitai
- lifelikediffusionethnicitiessupportednative_lifelikediffusionv30
- light_hardware
- ligne_claire_anime -> Huggingface, Civitai
- limbo_mix
- limeremix_mojito(model)
- limeremix_sweet
- lineandlight
- lively_(model)
- loli_a ->
Huggingface(Dead link) - loli_yell_mix -> [quote from huggingface page]
- lolidiffusion -> Huggingface, Drive, Discord
- lomaria -> Pixai
- ls_equos_xl
- lua's_light -> HuggingFace, Civitai, Pixai, Lua's Light, Lua's Night
- lucids_mix -> Civitai
- lucidsmix_20alphatest_(model)
- lucky_strike_mix
- luma_(model)
- luminaverse -> Civitai
- luoxiaohei
- lustrousmix
- lyh_anime_flux
- lyh_dalle_anime
- lykosmix
- lyriel -> Civitai
- lz_2dcartoon
- m4rv3ls_&_dungeons -> Civitai
- macross_(model) -> Civitai
- madly_mix_ver_nightnoob
- magicaladventuresofw
- majicmix-fantasy
- majicmix-horror -> Huggingface
- majicmix-realistic -> Civitai
- mala_anime_mix
- malastralboringpony
- mandarinmix
- manmaru_mix
- masamune_shirow
- master_link_futanari
- matrix-hentai-pony -> Civitai
- matrixanime
- matrixhentaiplus -> Civitai
- matrixhentaitoon_(model)
- maturemalemix
- maturemergeholicsmix -> Civitai
- maverick -> v1
- mcbsmachinecodescomic
- mechamix -> Civitai
- meekmix_strong
- meichidarkanimxl -> Huggingface
- meichilight_mix -> Civitai
- meina_unreal -> User Repo, User Profile, Civitai
- meinaalter -> User Repo, User Profile, Civitai
- meinacetusmix
- meinahentai -> User Repo, Huggingface, User Profile, Civitai
- meinakizuki
- meinamix -> User Repo, Huggingface, User Profile, Civitai
- meinaorion
- meinapastel -> User Repo, Huggingface, User Profile, Civitai
- meitu_ai_painting
- mekamix -> Mega
- merongmix+v11 -> Civitai
- meynale
- mfcg_paintjob -> MFCG Style, PonyXL-GEM-T2_2, Cutesexyrobutts Style, Vanillaware XL | Pony Style Lora, Civitai, v1.0, v2.0
- mfcg_washed
- mfcgpdxl
- midjourney
- midkemia
- midnight_mix
- midsummer_(pixai)
- midxl
- milktea
- milky_wonderland
- minai_mix
- mint_lollipop -> Arca
- miqomix -> Civitai
- miraclemaxmix
- mistoon_amethyst -> Civitai
- mistoon_anime -> Civitai
- mistoon_ruby -> Civitai
- mitsuki_(model)
- mix-gem -> Civitai, Huggingface,
Huggingface(Dead link) - mix-gem-adam8wit
- mix-gem-lxs
- mix-gem-wxl
- mix-mrf-squish
- mix-pro -> Civitai, Civitai, Huggingface
- mixproyuki77mi -> Civitai
- mixsummersolstice -> Civitai, v1.0
- mixtape_bossa_nova
- mixtape_funk
- mixtapexl
- mocasemix
- model-ex -> Civitai
- moistmix -> Huggingface, Civitai
- mokoumix -> Huggingface
- momoiropony
- monmix_x4 -> Rentry, Full, Pruned
- monstercoffeebang!_mix -> Civitai
- moomix_meaningful
- moomix_wallpaper
- moonbeam_(pixai) -> Pixai
- moonmix -> Civitai
- moontea_(model) -> Civitai
- motherlylove -> Huggingface
- mothmix
- motif
- mouseymix
- mugen -> Civitai, a1
- mugen_specials -> Civitai, SP1
- mugenmalumix_sdxl
- mung_bean_soup -> Civitai, v1.0, v1.1
- mymaster
- mymix -> Civitai
- nabylon -> Aipictors
- nai-nradiowave
- nai3likediffusion
- nai_painter
- neatness_fluffy_fur_mix
- nekoxl -> T
- nemu-5
- nemzblend
- netaartxl -> Civitai
- neverending_dream -> Civitai
- nextgenmix
- niako -> Huggingface, Civitai
- niji3dstyle
- nijijourney -> Spellbrush
- nijiq
- nijiv5style
- ninekeymix -> Civitai, Civitai, Civitai, Civitai
- noobai-xl -> Civitai
- noobieater
- noosphere
- nordrin -> Civitai
- notsoxjbmix -> Huggingface
- nova_3dcg_pony_(model)
- novafurrypony -> Civitai
- novelai -> NovelAI Diffusion Anime V3, NovelAI Diffusion Anime V2, NovelAI Diffusion Anime V1, Novelai, NovelAI Diffusion Anime V1, NovelAI Diffusion Anime V3
- ntr_mix_(model)
- nu_element -> Huggingface, v1
- nuipenimix -> Civitai
- nuke_pony_pixar -> Civitai
- nutmegmix ->
Rentry(Dead link) - nutmegmixga ->
Rentry(Dead link) - nxt_(model)
- o-r_model_(pixai)
- obsceneanimestyle
- obsession_illustrious-xl -> Civitai
- oceaneyes
- octablend -> Huggingface
- odem
- odem_xl
- ogier-floodlight_aesthetic_large -> Civitai
- ohmen_toontastic_2
- olympus -> Civitai, beta1, beta2, beta3, beta4, v1.0, v2.0, v3.0, v4.0, v5.0
- olympus_xl -> Olympus XL Civitai Page, v1.0
- omega_ponyxl -> Civitai
- omix
- one_for_all_furry -> Civitai
- onethirdmix
- oniichan_imoutomix
- onlyanime
- open_journey -> Civitai
- openniji -> Civitai
- openvision
- orange_galenyx_mix
- orangechillmix
- orangecocoa5050mix_110
- orangemix_meek
- orangeslushymix -> v1 [1A1C47054A], v2 [2B51502BD7]
- orbitmix
- original_animefinal -> Civitai
- osenayanmix
- osorubeshi-xl -> Civitai
- osukinimixxl
- otakupastelwavemixpro ->
Huggingface(Dead link) - otakureliableenable
- ouka_horror -> Civitai
- ouka_niji5 -> Civitai
- ownwaifu_anyanime -> Civitai
- ownwaifu_real3dmix
- ownwaifu_rule34mix -> Civitai
- oxidizemix -> Civitai
- pandemonium_half_(model)
- paruparu_illustrious ->
Huggingface(Dead link) - pasantuary
- pastel-mix ->
Huggingface(Dead link), Civitai - pastel412nuhard -> Rentry, Pixeldrain
- pastelboys
- pastelmixalike -> Civitai
- pastelrainier
- pathfinder -> v1
- pavo_mix
- pcqa -> Source
- pd_for_anime
- pdxl_mfcg_sweet_baps -> Civitai
- prefect pony xl -> Civitai
- perfect_sketchbook -> Civitai, Huggingface
- perfect_world -> Civitai
- perfectionificator -> Civitai
- peroperositai -> Civitai
- perseus_mix
- pettanko_rouramashin_anime -> Civitai
- pfg -> CivitAI link
- phantom_ix_row
- phobosmix
- photon_(model) -> Civitai
- picx_real
- pikas_new_generation -> Civitai
- piledream -> Huggingface
- pinkypromise -> Civitai
- pirate_diffusion
- pixai-animereal
- pixai_(model) -> Pixai
- pixai_real
- pixaidiffusion
- pixiemix -> Civitai
- pixivponyepitamix
- plagion
- platinum_noir_smooth -> Civitai
- pony_diffusion
- pony_diffusion_for_anime -> Danbooru, Gelbooru, Civitai, v1.0
- pony_diffusion_xl -> Civitai Page, Huggingface Repository, V6 (start with this one), V6 Turbo DPO merge, V6 Turbo merge
- pony_faetality -> Pony, Civitai Page
- pony_realism -> Civitai
- ponymagine
- pop-popcorn-mix -> Civitai
- popa
- pornmaster_anime -> Civitai
- pornzillahentaipony_v15f
- postyiff
- potion_mix -> Civitai
- pottasticpdxl -> Civitai
- powercolor -> Civitai, Civitai
- powerpuffanimix -> Civitai
- ppp_animix -> Civitai
- prefect_pony_xl
- pretty_2-5d -> Civitai
- primemix
- project-kawaii -> Civitai
- project_kr4x
- promptingreal -> Civitai
- protogen_anime -> Huggingface, Civitai
- protogen_x34 -> Huggingface, Civitai
- protovision_xl -> Civitai
- puffy_(model) -> Civitai
- punimix
- punpun-mix
- pvc-refurbished -> Huggingface
- pvc_figure_rdxl_(model)
- pvc_moveable_figure_model -> Civitai
- r34_e4 -> /hdg/ SD Models Link
- rabbit_(model) -> Civitai
- rabbitfoot_mix
- racymix_(model)
- raemoraxl -> Civitai
- raemu_xl_(model)
- raemumix -> Civitai
- raenamix
- randomix2 -> Rentry
- randomix3
- randomizer89merge -> Civitai
- rdtmix
- re:kindle
- re:live
- re:quiem
- real_doll_(model)
- real_dream_(model)
- real_moon -> Civitai, Civitai
- realbiter
- realcartoon-pixar -> Civitai
- realcartoon-xl -> Civitai
- realcartoon_3d -> RealCartoon, 7whitefire7, Civitai
- realcartoon_anime -> RealCartoon, 7whitefire7, Civitai
- realcartoon_pony -> Civitai
- realcartoon_special
- realdosmix -> Civitai
- realeldenapocalypsea -> Civitai
- realhentai -> Civitai
- realisian
- realisticvision
- realm -> Civitai
- realspice -> Civitai
- realvisxl
- refslave -> Civitai
- rekishi_fusan -> Civitai
- relh_(model)
- reliaflow
- remacri
- remixai
- reproduction_(model)
- retro_diffusion -> Astropulse
- retrocolormix
- retropony
- rev_animated -> Civitai
- rev_engine_ponyxl
- revsoap
- reweik
- reweik_ponyxl -> Civitai
- reweik_uni017
- ricecake_remix -> Civitai
- richyrichmix -> Civitai
- richyrichmixpdxl
- ritium -> Civitai
- rivera
- rlz-2d_mix
- roboeticinkpunkdreamshaperchromav5 -> Civitai
- rock_n'_roll_(model)
- rockymix
- roxl
- rsssskawaiimix+ch -> Civitai
- rubby_divine
- runponyxl_mix -> Civitai
- runway_(model)
- ruru.things_(model) -> Civitai
- ruvi_mix
- s-flat-nullpo-beyond -> Pixai
- s9rcma-pony -> Civitai
- sai_xl_canny
- sakurarain
- sakushimix -> Civitai
- salutemix -> Huggingface, Civitai, Civitai
- samdoesart-v2
- samdoesart-v3 -> Huggingface, CivitAI
- samdoesarts_ultmerge -> Civitai
- sanxianwonton -> HuggingFace, Civitai, V1.0, V1.1, V1.2+MSG, V1.3+Anime, V2
- sardonyxblend
- sardonyxredux -> Civitai
- schexcelsior -> Civitai
- sd2boy_girl
- sdvn7-nijistylexl
- sdxl_anime_deephentai_mix
- sdxl_niji -> Civitai
- sdxl_yamer's_anime
- sdxl_yamer's_unstablediffusers -> Civitai
- seasidemix -> Civitai
- secretsaucemixgahll -> Rentry
- sector_10 -> Civitai
- seekyou -> Civitai
- seizamix -> Civitai
- self_made_sauce -> Huggingface
- semix -> Huggingface
- senhentai -> Civitai
- senzusholyshitrevision
- seraph_mix -> Civitai
- seventhbliss -> Civitai
- shadow97s_beta+_(pixai)
- shinymix
- shiratakimix
- shiratakimix_xl -> Civitai
- shiroponymix
- sianworld
- sianworldanimediffusionsdxl-newstyle
- sifw-annihilationxl -> Civitai, Huggingface
- siinceysmix
- silicon28
- silicon29
- silicon29-dark
- silkysaido
- silvermix4boysnsfw
- silvermoonmix01xl -> Civitai
- simpmaker-3k1 ->
Huggingface(Dead link) - simpmaker-3k3
- sita_line_mix -> Civitai
- skylight_(model)
- sleepymix -> Huggingface
- slimex -> HuggingFace link, CivitAI link
- smirking35berry65
- smirkingface_(model)
- smoothcuts -> Civitai
- snowfall -> Civitai
- snowpony -> Civitai
- sol-pony -> Civitai
- something_(model) -> User Repo, v3.0, v2.2, v2.0 and V2.1, v1.0, blessed2_vae:, EasyNegative
- sonicdiffusion
- sora_(model)
- sosos
- sotediffusion_v2
- soul0000 -> Huggingface
- soushiki -> HuggingFace, Civitai, v0.9, v1.0
- spiritforeseermix -> Civitai
- sprout_(model) -> Civitai, Huggingface
- squidwardblendv2 -> Mega, Reddit, Rentry
- stable_diffusion_(model)
- stable_diffusion_3
- stable_diffusion_3.5
- stable_diffusion_xl
- stable_noobai
- starlake -> Civitai
- starlightxl -> Civitai
- starry_night_(model) -> Civitai, Huggingface
- starryxlv -> Civitai
- stingermix
- stuffymix -> Civitai
- stupid7
- stygian_mix -> Civitai
- sudachi -> User Repo, Civitai
- sudope -> Civitai
- sugaranime_(model)
- suikamix -> Civitai
- sukianimix
- sukiyakimix ->
Huggingface(Dead link) - sukumizumix
- sulphmix -> Civitai
- sundae_(pixai)
- sunflower_(model)
- suno_ai
- sunshine_mix_and_sunlight_mix
- super_invincible_and_cute
- super_mix -> Huggingface, v1, Alt1, Alt2
- super_mix-pre -> Huggingface, v1
- superanimeadditional
- surisurisitai -> Civitai
- surmix_kawaiiedition -> Civitai
- swampmachine -> Civitai
- sweet_sugar_syndrome -> Civitai
- sweetfruit
- sweetmix ->
Huggingface(Dead link), Civitai - sweetmix_xl/pony
- sxd -> Pixeldrain
- sxz_luma
- sylphbreed -> Civitai
- sym-pony_world
- symponyworld
- synthwave_punk -> Civitai
- t-illunai3 -> Civitai
- t-ponynaiv3 -> Civitai, v1.0, v2.0, v3.0
- taesdxl
- tanchmix -> Civitai
- tang_yuan -> HuggingFace, Civitai, v1.0, v2.0, v3.0
- tbzanimemix
- teena_mix -> Civitai
- tekuteku-nsfw -> Civitai
- testfurry -> /hdg/ SD Models Link
- teyvatan_xl
- tfm_nostalgic_anime -> Civitai
- the_anime_wondermix -> Civitai
- the_cute_wondermix
- the_golden_mirage -> Civitai
- the_h_wondermix -> Civitai
- the_i_wondermix -> Civitai
- the_magic_sauce -> Civitai
- the_p_wondermix -> Civitai
- the_sr_wondermix -> Civitai
- the_wondermix -> Civitai
- theonemix -> Civitai
- this_came_to_me_in_a_dream -> Civitai
- tmndmix -> Civitai
- toonyou -> Civitai
- toonyoujp -> Civitai
- tootles_xl
- topaz_(model)
- toxicecho
- trinart -> Derrida, HuggingFace link
- tsubaki_(model) -> Civitai
- tsuki_(model) -> Civitai
- tsukiv22dnpony -> Civitai
- turbovisionxl
- typeb_(model)
- uber_realistic_porn_merge -> Civitai
- udon_noodle_mix -> Civitai
- ultra_citron_anime_treasure -> Civitai
- ultrahentaimix
- umaaji -> Civitai
- umbra_mecha -> Civitai
- undefined
- unico_something_furry -> Civitai
- universal_solvent_mix -> Civitai
- unreal_(model) -> CivitAI link
- unstable_ink_dream -> Civitai, Huggingface
- uselessanimerge
- v999 -> Civitai
- valkyrie_light
- vampelium_mix
- vampellium_mix
- vanilla_mix -> Civitai
- verycuteanimemodel
- vetaor_m -> Pixai
- violetbreed -> Civitai
- vivapi
- vividorangemix -> Civitai
- vividpdxl
- vividusgost -> Civitai
- vt_orange_creamy_pesto -> Rentry,
FP32 DDL(Dead link) - vxp_xl -> Civitai
- wafflemix -> Civitai
- wagashikashi_kompeito
- wagashikashi_taiyaki
- wagashikashi_yatsuhashi
- wai-ani-hentai-ponyxl -> Civitai
- wai-ani-nsfw-ponyxl ->
Comfy(Dead link), Civitai - wai-c -> Civitai
- wai-cute -> Civitai
- waifu_diffusion -> Huggingface, Civitai
- waifu_reaper
- waifulabs -> Waifulabs
- wam! -> Civitai, V1
- wandaomix -> Civitai
- wasabimix -> Civitai
- whimsical_(model)
- white_unicorn_(model) -> Civitai, Pixai
- whitenightmix
- wildcardx-xl-fusion -> Civitai
- wintermoon
- worldpeace
- wounddedmix
- wrench_mix -> User Repo, Civitai
- x-flare_mix_s2 -> Civitai
- xenotrip_ai -> Civitai
- xl6hephaistossd10xlsfw
- xlmerges
- xlsusjelomix
- xpero_animetec -> Civitai
- xpuct_anime -> Huggingface
- xrikishis_unstable_diffusion -> Civitai
- xuer_red-blue_fantasy -> Civitai
- xxmix_9_realistic -> Civitai
- yabal_mix
- yabuki_kentarou -> Civitai
- yaki-dofu-mix
- yamer_grimlock_singularity -> Civitai
- yarp -> Civitai
- yden_(model)
- yesmix -> Civitai
- yexp
- yexp3
- yiffy-e18
- yiffy-totesfleisch-v1 -> Civitai
- yiffy_seraziel_finetune -> Civitai
- yiffymix -> Civitai
- yohan_diffusion
- yohanamalgam
- yohananimelike
- yoinkedfrommergedesu -> Huggingface
- yuhmix
- yukige -> Civitai
- yumyumfusion -> Civitai
- yutamix -> Civitai, Huggingface
- yuzu -> User Repo, Civitai
- yuzulemontea -> Huggingface
- z-mix -> Civitai
- z-mix_tooniverse
- zavychromaxl
- zeipher_f111 ->
original website(Dead link) - zeipher_f222 ->
original website(Dead link), /hdg/ SD Models Link - zemihr
- zuki_best_anime_mix -> Civitai
- zuki_ill