A slice of life manga series created by Azuma Kiyohiko, the creator of Azumanga Daioh, currently serialized in Dengeki Daioh magazine. It recounts the life of Koiwai Yotsuba and her friends, mostly dealing with her cluelessness and naivety, which often leads to hilarity ensuing.
- Koiwai Yotsuba
- Koiwai Koharuko
- Mr. Koiwai
- Mr Ayase
- Mrs Ayase
- Ayase Asagi
- Ayase Ena
- Ayase Fuuka
- Danboo
- Hayasaka Miura
- Hiwatari/"Shimauu"
- Takeda Takashi/"Jumbo"
- Torako
- Yanda
External links
The following tags are aliased to this tag: yotsuba&! and yotsubato (learn more).