Manga series written and illustrated by Shindou Masaoki (眞藤雅興). The first chapter was published on June 13th, 2022 in issue 28 of Weekly Shōnen Jump.
It's a story of a young dragon girl Aoki Ruri being lazy, doing her best... and being lazy again.
- Aoki Ruri - Main Character
- Aoki Umi - Ruri's Mom
- Kashiro - Ruri's classmate who sits next to her. She has multicolored hair with dyed twintails extending just past the shoulders. Full name unavailable thus far.
- Maeda Akari
- Yuka - Ruri's old Friend who she often heads to school with. Full name unavailable thus far.
External links
- WSJ Page: 『ルリドラゴン』|集英社『週刊少年ジャンプ』公式サイト
- One Shot Voice Comic: ルリドラゴン』完全版【ボイスコミック】
- Serialization Official PV: WJ新連載『ルリドラゴン』公式PV
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