A manga by Terasawa Daisuke, published from 1986-1989, about a child cooking prodigy named Ajiyoshi Youichi. The manga was adapted into a 99-episode anime series running from 1987-1989.
Youichi works in a family-owned restaurant with his mother when they are one day visited by Murata Genjiro, also known as Ajiou (lit: Emperor of Taste), the head of the Ajiou group, a cooking association that spans all of Japan. After being impressed by Youichi's cooking, Ajiou invites him to the group's headquarter where his adventure into the greater culinary world begins.
The series uses an opponent-of-the-week format where Youichi must face off against a new chef opponent. Over time, a more overarching plot is revealed with recurring characters.
Main cast
Ajiou Group
External links
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