The main protagonist of Boku no Hero Academia. Born without a Quirk and therefore dubbed “Quirkless”, Izuku has been relentlessly bullied by Bakugou Katsuki ever since he was four. In spite of being timid, he displays a strong admiration for heroes, often taking notes on their Quirks, and idolizes All Might.
Often referred to as “Deku”, which is another reading of his name that can refer to a wooden figure or puppet. Bakugou uses it as an insult, while Uraraka Ochako uses it affectionately. It has long since become his hero name.
He has curly green hair and freckles, and his hero costume consists of a green bodysuit with white gloves and a mask. Almost never seem without his iconic red footwear. Later on, a yellow cape is integrated into his hero costume.
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