The final lead mobile suit in Gundam Suisei no Majo. It is piloted by Suletta Mercury after the Gundam Aerial Rebuild , which possesses the consciousness of Ericht Samaya, rejected her and reunites with their mother, Prospera Mercury, for their Quiet Zero Plan.
It was in a competition against the Gundam Lfrith in choosing Ochs Earth Corporation's main Gundam, but the latter was ultimately chosen due to the former lacking features to ensure pilot safety from the GUND Format (ex. filters to reduce the feedback from the GUND Format data storm). The Gundam Calibarn was later seized by the Space Assembly League during the Vanadis Incident, where it was called a "monster" due to its deadly characteristics.
The Gundam Calibarn's primary weapon is a beam cannon/long beam rifle with four thruster units at the back, giving it an appearance of a witch's broomstick. Later on, it gained access and control of the Aerial Rebuild's GUND-BITs.
Just like the Lfrith and Aerial/Rebuild, the Calibarn is designed by JNT.