A 2007 anime series directed by Mizushima Seiji and written by Kuroda Yousuke, and seventh incarnation of the long-running Gundam franchise.
In the year AD 2307 (the first show in the series to use the Gregorian calendar instead of alternate eras) fossil fuels have nearly ran dry, forcing the world's three supranational powers - Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations (the Americas, Oceania and Japan), Human Reform League (China, India, eastern Russia and Southeast Asia), and Advanced European Union (Europe and western Russia) - to jointly create a massive solar energy array anchored to Earth through three Orbital Elevators, even as power struggles between them threaten to break the tenuous peace.
In order to establish peace, Celestial Being, an enigmatic paramilitary organization, launched Gundams - four incredibly advanced mobile suits powered by enigmatic GN Particles - to fight all three superpowers.
Known in Japan as Kidou Senshi Gundam Double-O.
- Allelujah Haptism
- Anew Returner
- Christina Sierra
- Feldt Grace
- Graham Aker
- Kati Mannequin
- Lockon Stratos
- Louise Halevy
- Lyle Dylandy
- Marina Ismail
- Mileina Vashti
- Neil Dylandy
- Nena Trinity
- Patrick Colasour
- Regene Regetta
- Revive Revival
- Saji Crossroad
- Setsuna F. Seiei
- Shirin Bakhtiar
- Soma Peries
- Sumeragi Lee Noriega
- Tieria Erde
- Wang Liu Mei
- Celestial Being Extra
External links
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