A long-running slice of life manga and anime series created by Sakura Momoko, first published in 1986.
The story revolves around the life of a 9-year old Sakura Momoko (a character based on the author herself) and her misadventure in her daily life.
The anime adaptation became an influrential piece of anime history due to over-the-top reaction faces featured in it.
- Sakura Momoko
- Honami Tamae
- Hanawa Kazuhiko
- Oono Ken'ichi
- Jougasaki Himeko
- Sasayama Kazuko
- Nagasawa Kimio
- Sakura Tomozou
- Noguchi Emiko
- Sugiyama Satoshi
- Tomita Tarou
External links
- Wikipedia entry: Chibi Maruko-chan
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