
Pointless Pools Thread

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Regarding pool:43, palindromes are encountered less frequently the further you count up from 1 to infinity. There are 1999 palindromes from 1 to 1e6. Regardless, the pool is still pointless and exceedingly niche. How many people are both fans of both palindromes and aibooru?


I don't think the frequency is very relevant. If you care about palindromes so much you can calculate them yourself. If anyone values the pool so much they can make a fav group of the posts.

ANJU said:

To my knowledge, a script maintains the palidromes pool. I'm more than sure it could be modified to handle updating a favgroup with the same purpose. Correct, @Lopi999?

I may have initially created the pool with a simple C++ program that just spat out an output of every palindromic number up to a specified number, but now the pool is updated 100% manually, though if you take a look at the list of posts, there are numbers in there not yet posted so it is futureproof.

Lopi999 said:

I may have initially created the pool with a simple C++ program that just spat out an output of every palindromic number up to a specified number, but now the pool is updated 100% manually, though if you take a look at the list of posts, there are numbers in there not yet posted so it is futureproof.

but my point is that if you created something like favgroup #601, the code could be modified to update a favgroup instead of a pool, right? They're saying this pool is pointless as it has a relatively niche purpose and I don't want your code to go to waste so having a favgroup wouldn't hurt.