I'm having a hard time recreating this prompt, do you generate at 1024x1920 or upscale there? Any other ideas for settings or variables I might be missing?
I'm having a hard time recreating this prompt, do you generate at 1024x1920 or upscale there? Any other ideas for settings or variables I might be missing?
I'm generating at 512x960 and then upscaling. I used CLIP skip: 1, no hypernetwork and latent scaling. Also check if you don't have "Use old emphasis implementation" selected. Nothing else comes to mind. I checked the prompt just in case and it gives me the exact same image.
I'm generating at 512x960 and then upscaling. I used CLIP skip: 1, no hypernetwork and latent scaling. Also check if you don't have "Use old emphasis implementation" selected. Nothing else comes to mind. I checked the prompt just in case and it gives me the exact same image.
Huh. My guess would be that it has something to do with how image samples are loaded. Maybe certain colors appear differently when scaled down, but when shown in original resolution, it just appears normally or something.