


This author's Pixiv account no longer exists. I just thought I'd post this one to save it from oblivion, since I like it and it doesn't seem to exist anymore. (His Twitter account still exists, but with that dlsite thumbnail at the top of his feed, I'm a bit surprised by that...)

No metadata on this, but I'm guessing it's NAI since a few of his other posts that I have archived have NovelAI metadata.

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  • Date Uploader VladPidorAsss Rating General

    Also this is my last upload for something like this. I'm going to try other things with this character, as I'm making a better LoRA for this character. In addition this was also an experiment of motion, so she is punching and bringing her arm into her side to chamber for another move like in a martial arts match.

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    Keep changing the rating all you want, I'm just gonna change it back. Would do you well go to outside, maybe you'll realize that the tiny bit of cleavage shown here is insignificant compared to what women have been wearing for the past 20 years.

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    Jc_216 said:

    I'm not sure if I understand. Are you saying that from the horizontal perspective right to left, it looks sloped due to the left trees looking beneath the right trees? If yes, I can also reason that the ground, up until the river, is sloping down (and therefore, this picture makes sense perspective wise).

    Well, I mean, at least that's how I saw this image when I generated it.

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    neuror1ston said:

    Well, I mean, at least that's how I saw this image when I generated it.

    I think I agree with how you saw the image now, so I would reapprove it if I could, but I can't, so if others agree they can approve it.

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    Jigsy said:

    Personally I think backgrounds deserve leeway. Asking for a 100% perfect background with AI is something of an impossibility to say the least.

    I totally agree, especially with AI backgrounds! Though I also think that backgrounds should make sense, which is why I was concerned for a sec about the background possibly breaking the rules of eyesight.

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    As newer models come out and improve, I have little doubt that AI backgrounds will also improve too, however I would say expecting every detail to be correct every time isn't reasonable.. at this time anyway.

    The background in this image doesn't look that bad to me, even if it may not be 100% correct.

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    LonesomeEldritchHorror said:

    A surprisingly good result from such a simple prompt. I will be using this as a phone wallpaper

    LonesomeEldritchHorror said:

    A surprisingly good result from such a simple prompt. I will be using this as a phone wallpaper

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