


Full PNG info:

kirisame marisa, braid, blonde hair, yellow eyes, witch hat, hat bow, winter clothes, white scarf, winter coat, black coat, gloves fur trim, looking down, outdoors, snowing, snowflakes, winter <lora:khyle-2192it-novae:0.3> <lora:bluethebone-1902it-novae:0.4> <lora:[style] WhiteMelancholy:0.3>
Negative prompt: (Worst Quality, Low Quality:1.2), border, 2girls, nsfw, skimpy, grayscale, (watermark:1.2)
Steps: 20, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 20, Seed: 1404291419, Size: 960x544, Model hash: 51e4b0d5e1, Model: SoushikiV1.0, VAE hash: 63aeecb90f, VAE: WD1-4-kl-f8-anime2-bless09.ckpt, Denoising strength: 0.51, Clip skip: 2, ADetailer model:, ADetailer confidence: 0.3, ADetailer dilate erode: -28, ADetailer mask blur: 8, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.4, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, ADetailer inpaint padding: 12, ADetailer version: 23.11.1, Hires upscale: 2, Hires steps: 15, Hires upscaler: 4x_NMKD-YandereNeoXL_200k, Lora hashes: "khyle-2192it-novae: 23fff68e3349, bluethebone-1902it-novae: dad2f2023381, [style] WhiteMelancholy: dd02d21c3a9a", Dynamic thresholding enabled: True, Mimic scale: 7.5, Separate Feature Channels: True, Scaling Startpoint: MEAN, Variability Measure: AD, Interpolate Phi: 1, Threshold percentile: 99.9, Version: v1.6.1

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    @Patchouli use the tag "original" when the character in the image is totally original and does not come from any anime, comic or video game.
    please take the time to at least tag the character in the image correctly.
    if you don't remember their name use "character request" or "copyright request".

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